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Thirukkural – Source of Wisdom & Motivation

Thirukkural is one of the most revered ancient works in the Tamil language. Thirukkural increases your overall happiness and gives you a purpose in life. 380 of the 1330 poems are specifically dedicated to enlightening all of us on the concept of “Aram”. Aram can be loosely defined as Dharma or Virtue. These poems help …


Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill


Elon Musk started with a big dream and was ready to make it a reality. So, he took the fortune he made in being the cofounder of paypal and put it all on the line to follow his desire. His three big ideas were; Space X, Solar city and Tesla. He wanted to reduce global …


Start With Why by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek in his book, START WITH WHY  says, “Leadership requires two things: a vision of the world that does not yet exist and the ability to communicate it”.

For those that want to truly feel successful should challenge themselves with Simon Sinek’s book START WITH WHY in applying his golden circle theory to learn the power …
